Extension and outreach programs conducted through NSS/NCC etc.

Swatch Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign in India that aims to clean up streets, surroundings, roads and infrastructure in cities. Dev Samaj College for Women organized a drive under Swatch Bharat Abhiyan Program. Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing faculty and students involved in this cleanliness drive on 4th Sept, 2017. The main purpose of this drive was to create awareness among the students regarding cleanliness and its benefits. Dr. Vandana Gupta HOD, gave a lecture on personal hygiene and gave instructions about cleanliness of cooking area of canteen and to use covered dustbins. In the end, we all took oath of keeping our college, home, locality and city clean. The whole drive was quite inspiring and motivating for the staff and students. It was a unique experience for all of us. We were very curious to be a part of this great drive that could have transformed the face of our country forever.

           To upgrade the skill level of rural people, Dev Samaj College for women, has always been taken a step forward for their upliftment. During NSS Camp, Department of Home Science and  Fashion Designing organized a workshops in Government school, Village Noorpur Sethan, District Ferozepur on 21st Dec, 2017.  Various activities like ‘best out of waste’, ‘Food preservation-such as squash making and pickle making’, Tie &Dye and Printing were demonstrated to the students. Mrs.Ruchi Sharma, Assistant Professor in Fashion Designing explained the students to make use of waste plastic and glass bottles, waste containers etc. She demonstrated to prepare some decorative and utility articles from these waste materials. She also explained the availability of decorative material in market. Ms. Monica Gautam, Assistant Professor In Home Science, Gave demonstration of Food preservation Recipies like- Pickle making, Squash making etc. Dr. Khushwinder Gill and Mrs. Anchal, Deptt of Fashion Designing taught Tie Dye Techniques, Block Printing and Stencil printing. Students and teachers took keen interest in this workshop.

‘Each one plant one’. The department in collaboration with NSS unit organized a tree plantation campaign on 16th July 2018, where plants were planted to save the environment. Respective principal Madam inaugurated the event by planting an evergreen tree in the college campus.

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