2019-20 Activities

                                                              ACTIVITY REPORT


Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing organized a career counseling campaign on 18th -19th July, 2019. MrsAnchal, MrsChanderika and Mrs Shivangi went to various villages and motivated the students of 10+2 and others with various degrees and diplomas to admit themselves in the three year degree program of Textile and Fashion Technology; Nutrition and Dietetics and M.Sc. in Fashion Designing. They also informed the students about various diplomas such as Diploma in Cooking, Housekeeping and Management; Diploma in Fashion Design and Clothing Construction and Diploma in Cutting, Tailoring and Embroidery. The session was fruitful and helped to increase the admissions of the Department.


The Department of Fashion Designing organizes a ‘Door Hanging’ workshop on 23rdJuly, 2019 for the students of B.Voc 1st year and Diploma in Fashion Designing. MrsChanderika gave a demonstration to make door hangings using waste materials such as disposable cups, wool, straw pipes, disposable bowls, stones, laces, etc. Students made various innovative door hangings and show-cased their creativity.


On 27th July, 2019, The Department of Fashion Designing organized a DIY workshop on Card Making where Ms. Shweta Thappa gave a demonstration to the students of B.Voc TFT and Diploma on making of Waterfall Card and Square Pop-up Card. Students enjoyed and learnt a lot in this Workshop.


A workshop on “Paper draping Techniques” was organized by Fashion Designing Department on July 31st July 2019.  Mrs. J. Guru Selva Vanitha, Assistant professor of Fashion Designing gave the demonstration about Draping technique of the Dress Form. In this workshop, students learned how to create different methods of paper draping techniques with the measurements for proper fitness in the dress form and different ways to use paper to finish neatly, etc. In this workshop she also taught to design the various articles by Draping techniques where 23 students participated in this workshop.


On 1st August, 2019, the Department of Fashion Designing organised a workshop to improve MS Word and MS Power point Skills for B.Voc TFT students. Dr Khushwinder gill helped the students to learn time saving skills of Data Manipulation and formatting documents. In this workshop, students learn how to use the different templates, to create tables, charts, diagrams using pictures and clip arts. Students also learn shortcuts and tips that can be useful on daily basis. This workshop proved very enriching and beneficial for the students to make arrangements in Power Point Presentations.


The Department of Home Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) celebrated an International Breastfeeding Week from 1st August to 7th August in the auditorium for the DSCW students. The theme for this seminar was Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding.” Keeping this in mind to raise awareness of breastfeeding among youth, number of interdepartmental competitions such as posters, slogan, collage and essay writing were organized by the faculty of Home Science and Fashion Designing department. The resource person of this seminar was Dr Ritesh, CHC, Ferozepur. He gave presentation on physiological role of breastfeeding. In addition to this he also aware and impart knowledge regarding breastfeeding among young girls. He also concluded that proper breastfeeding helps to achieve the target of health, food security, education, equity, development of the environment. Around 60-70 students attended the seminar. The students from different department prepared colorful posters, slogan and collages regarding the breastfeeding theme. The results of different activities were evaluated by our honorable secretary Dr. Mrs Madhu Prashar and chief guest Dr.Ritesh and prizes were distributed to winners. The students as well as faculty members actively participated in the seminar with full enthusiasm.

Dr Ritesh, CHC, Ferozepur addressed the students regarding awareness of breastfeeding

Dr Madhu Parashar with faculty members and students celebrated “International Breast Feeding Week”


Quilting is the process of sewing two or more layers of fabric together to make a thicker padded material, usually to create quilted garment. Workshop on quilting techniques was organized by Home Science and Fashion Designing department on 8th Aug, 2019. In this workshop, Mrs. Anchal and Mrs Chanderika, Lecturer in Fashion Designing, explained the material required and steps involved in quilting the fabric. She demonstrated the technique of quilting and she made many articles like baby bib, baby quilt, Bed sheets, pillow covers, cushion covers, mats and many more household utility articles. Almost all students of Home Science and Fashion Designing Department were involved and by learning this technique many of the students prepared household articles. This workshop was a skill oriented and students enthusiastically participated in this workshop.


A collage is a visual representation made from an assembly of different forms, materials and sources creating a new whole. On 10th August 2019, the Collage making workshop was organised by the home Science and Fashion Designing Department. The collage may include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or hand-made papers, and portions of other artworks, photographs such as glued to a solid support or canvas. In this workshop, J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant professor of Fashion Designing explained the steps and material required for collage making. She demonstrated the collage techniques like determination of purpose, magazines collection, group imagery, background, structure of the composition and pasting the collage. Almost 30 students of Home Science and Fashion Designing department participated in the workshop. By learning this technique many of the students prepared collage. This workshop was really a skill oriented and student participated enthusiastically in it.


Freezing is the one of the oldest and most widely used method of food preservation, which allows preservation of taste, texture and nutritive value in food. Workshop on frozen vegetables was given by Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics on 10th August, 2019. In this workshop she demonstrated about freezing of different vegetables like cauliflower, Peas, Beans and many more. She also demonstrated how to blanch vegetables prior to freezing. Students actively learnt freezing techniques and by applying these techniques they preserve vegetables at their homes also.

Mrs Amandeep Kaur demonstrate how to blanch vegetables prior to freezing

Frozen Vegetables made by students of B.Voc Nutrition and Dietetics


A workshop on different variation of Uttapam and idli preparation was organized on 10th August 2019 for the students of diploma, B.voc NAD Ist, IInd year respectively, in the department Home Science and Fashion designing. The resource person wasDr Shweta Madhwal, Assistant Professor, Home Science (Nutrition and Dietetics). She gave the demonstration on Home instant different Uttapam and Idli preparation including tricolour, cheese, green peas and mixed vegetable. She helped the students regarding the use of different equipment while measuring raw materials for Uttapam, its batter preparation, use of frozen and fresh vegetables, use of appropriate cooking methods while preparation, their garnishing techniques with different types of chutneys and their aesthetic presentation while serving. Around 15 students actively participated in this workshop with great zeal.

The resource person demonstrated the techniques of batter making for Idli and Uttapam among students

Preapartion of Instant Stuffed Idli

Presentation of Instant Uttapam with different vegetables and cheese


     On 14th august 2019, Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing celebrated Independence Day with zeal and spirit befitting the occasion. This day was a red letter day in the history of India when the country got freedom on 15th Aug, 1947. Students prepared posters, dresses, flowers, bouquets, jewellery with Indian tricolours and exhibited their work for sale. Many of the students spoke on the significance of this day. Our worthy principal madam, Dr. (Mrs.) Navdeep Kaur graced this occasion. She was glad to see the interest of students towards this celebration. Madam Principal advised the students to become ideal citizens of the country. Students enjoyed the whole day of celebration with their friends and teachers.


On 14th August, 2019, the workshop on ‘Tie and Dye Techniques’ was organised by the Fashion Designing Department. Mrs Shivangi, the Assistant Professor in the department gave the demonstration to the B.Voc 1st Year Textile and Fashion Technology. She taught them various designs using cardboards, sticks, rice, pulses, threads, bottle and so on. It was a skill oriented workshop and students actively participated in this workshop.

Student Enrichment Programme

Two day’s Student Enrichment Programme on different varieties of cakes was organized on 19th-20th August 2019  for the students of  Department of Fashion Designing . Dr Manisha Pandit, Assistant Professor, was a resource person for this workshop. She demonstrated different types of cakes including caramel, walnut and biscuit cake preparation and helps the students regarding the baking techniques in oven and pressure cooker. She also illustrated techniques regarding cake batter, whipping of fat, creaming, dusting, preheating of oven for baking different cakes and how to use different equipment while measuring different raw materials. Around 25  students actively participated in this workshop with full enthusiasm.

Resource Person demonstrated the students regarding the techniques of cake preparation.

Presentation of cake making in cake mould for baking.

Presentation of biscuits cake prepared by the students


The Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing organized 2-days workshop on 20th and 21st August 2019. This workshop entitled “Skirt draping” for the B.Voc (Textile and Fashion Technology) students.  Mrs. J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant Professor of Fashion Designing demonstrated different quick and easy draping techniques of fabric cutting to make beautiful skirts in Dress Form. Above 25 Students learnt those various techniques of draping methods and they made different skirt drapings like pleated skirt, yoke with skirt, pencil fit skirt, flared skirt and etc. On the second day workshop, students exhibited their prepared draping garments. This was a very interesting and educative workshop.


On 22nd August, 2019, A workshop on ‘Face Analysis’ was organised by the Department of Fashion Designing. In this workshop, Ms Shweta Thappa gave a demonstration on portrait making skills. She taught the students about the different methods and guidelines to follow while drawing a realistic face.


Food preservation can be defined as the science that deals with the process of prevention of decay or spoilage of food thus, allowing it to be stored in a fit condition for future use. 2 days’ workshop on Food Preservation was organized by Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics on 26th August, 2019 and 27th August, 2019. In this workshop she taught different methods to preserve the tomatoes and made value added products for future use. She gave demonstration on the manufacturing of Tomato Paste, Tomato Puree, Tomato Sauce, Tomato Ketchup, Tomato Chutney and Tomato Soup. About 15 students of B.Voc Nutrition and Dietetics attended this workshop.
Mrs Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor giving demonstration on Food Preservation


This workshop was held on 27thAugust for the students of B.Voc 3rd year in the department of Fashion Designing. Material that was required for this workshop was watercolours, pencil colours, water, rough cloth, ivory sheet, pencil, eraser.In this workshop, Mrs Kritika helped the students to learn ‘How it’s best to use fewer layers of lighter colour applications with watercolour pencils, as heavy layering can lead to a sludgy or muddy build-up; how to add details to watercolour painting and how to create patterns.


On 28th Aug, 2019, a Workshop on ‘Hand-Made Accessories’ was organised by the department of Fashion Designing where in Mrs Chanderika demonstrated on the making of Traditional hand made accessories. She explained the students to how to use waste materials at home to re-construct them into jewellery. She taught them to make different articles like bangles, necklaces, jewellery sets, rings, chokers and so on.


Candle Making Workshop was organised in the department of Home Science and Fashion Designing on 29th Aug, 2019 for the students of B.Voc, Dilpomas and M.Sc. Mrs Anchal and Mrs Chanderika, Lecturer in Fashion Designing explained the types and amount of material required to make candles. She gave demonstration to prepare candles of different styles. She also demonstrated many methods to decorate candles with flowers, glitters, etc.


The Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing celebrated National Nutritional Week from 2nd to 7th Sep 2019 in the NAD Department. The resource persons Dr Vandana Gupta, Dr Manisha Pandit, Dr Shweta Madhwal and Mrs Amandeep Kaur, aware the students of Diploma, B.VocIst and IInd year regarding the importance of good nutrition which helps to manage healthy weight, maintains the immunity and provides energy. The theme of National Nutritional Week was “Har GharPoshanVyavahar”. On first two days Dr Manisha and Dr Shweta demonstrated healthy nutritious recipes among students. On next day, Students prepared various posters, slogan, collages on the basis of theme to create awareness among youth of colleges on balanced diet and regarding healthy foods aspects. On 6th and 7th Sep some students had delivered speech on various topics regarding importance, objectives and problems related to poor intake of nutrients and what were the impacts among the participants. All the students were actively participated in this week with great zeal.

Faculty members and students celebrated National Nutrition Week

Dr. Mrs. Madhu Prashar (Secretary) and Dr. Mrs. Navdeep Kaur inspecting


Competitions offer a chance for participants to gain substantial experience, showcase skills, analyse and evaluate outcomes and uncover personal aptitude.File decoration competition was held on 2nd September 2019 for the B.Voc Fashion Designing by Mrs Kritika. 35 students participated in the competition. Various creative file covers were created by the students and at last Madam Principal Dr Mrs Navdeep Kaur and Secretary Dr. Mrs Madhu Prashar gave away the prizes to the winners.


Drugs Awareness activities were organized on 4th Sept, 2019 in the department of Home Science and Fashion Designing. In these activities, all the teachers organized various workshops, seminars, competitions to aware the students about the consequences of Drug Abuse. Dr. Vandana Gupta, Dr Khushwinder Gill, Dr Manisha, Dr. Shweta, Mrs Amandeep Kaur, Ms Shweta thappa, Mrs J. Guru SelvaVanitha, Mrs Shivangi, Mrs Chanderika and Mrs Anchal motivated their students to participate in these workshops cum self-awareness activities on Drug Addiction. Students showed quite an enthusiastic ability to showcase their creativity in this workshop so that they can aware the ones who really need to be benefited from these workshops.


Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing celebrated the Teacher’s Day on 5th Sept, 2019. Principal Madam addressed the students and appreciated the sincerest efforts of teachers in playing catalytic role in holistic development of every student. Students also expressed their gratitude and appreciation for teachers on this day.


The Department of Home Science & Fashion Designing conducted a workshop to upgrade the skills of “Elements and Principle of Design” on 9th September 2019. In this workshop, Mrs. J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant Professor taught the different types of Elements and Principles ofDesign. She showed examples, pictures and gave a demonstration on the Elements and Principle of Design.  Above 25 students participated in this workshop. They showed keen interest in learning.


Industrial Visit to Flat Knit Industries Sportking was organised by Home Science and Fashion Designing department for students of B.Voc TFT along with two faculty members Mrs Chanderikaand Mrs Anchal on 18th Sept, 2019. The purpose of visit was to acquaint the students about working of industrial machines including circular knitting machine, air jet machine etc. Students learnt in detail about finishing and production processes. The production head of the industry, very well guided the students in each department of the industry and students showed keen interest in the industry.


A workshop on “Bottle Art” for the students of Fashion Designing was planned and executed by the Department on 16th September 2019. Mrs. J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant professor taught various skills to 21 students of Fashion Designing to make out attractive Bottles by using acrylic craft paint. She gave demonstration of Applying 2 coats of acrylic craft paint on the bottle, to Choose brushes, and how to paint on the bottles by hands, coating methods etc. Various types of waste bottles were made by cheap and best sources. The workshop proved very useful for Fashion Designing students.


Painting is the process of applying colour on the glass bottle in definite patterns and designs. The Department of Home Science & Fashion Designing conducted a workshop to upgrade the skill of “Painting on the Glass bottle” on 23rd September 2019. In this workshop, Mrs. J. Guru Selvavanitha Assistant Professor taught the different methods of painting and gave the demonstration of Applying 2 coats of acrylic craft paint on the glass bottles, choose of brushes, and how to painting glass bottles by hand,etc.Above 29 students participated in this workshop. Students made elegant painting designs and exhibited the prepared glass bottles. She also taught the Painting Techniques of fabric and the students learnt various new ideas about painting. Students showed keen interest in learning of the Painting techniques.


The Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing celebrated National Nutritional Month on25th Sept, 2019. The program coordinators for this National Nutrition Month were Dr Vandana Gupta, Head Associate Professor, Dr Manisha Pandit, Dr Shweta Madhwal and Mrs Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor (Nutrition and Dietetics). The theme of National Nutritional Week was “Kumainnangwasto at magingaktibo… push natin 'to!” (Eat healthy and do physical activity. let's push this!) The theme encourages everyone to advocate and realize the importance of healthy diets, increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behaviour.Pushing the advocacy means that each and every one can contribute to better nutrition and physical activity for better health.  All the students, faculty members and CDPO members of different areas of Ferozepur were actively participated this National Nutrition Month with great zeal. Different interdepartmental activities were organized including healthy recipes making, low cost recipes, collages, slogans and posters making, rangoli, re-use plastic bottles speeches, group discussion on various nutrition related topics and wall painting. The whole seminar was addressed by Deputy Commissioner of Ferozepur Sh. Chander Giant. He discussed important point regarding importance of nutrition in day today life. He also focuses on planting more and more trees as they are indirect source of nutrition for the human beings. The results of different activities were evaluated by our honourable secretary Dr. Madhu Prashar and chief guest Deputy Commissioner of Ferozepur Sh. Chander Giant and prizes were distributed to winners. He whole heartedly appreciated the efforts of the students in success of making National Nutrition month in the college campus.

Dr Madhu Prashar with faculty members welcomes the Chief Guest and CDPO members.

The Deputy Commissioner addressed the audience regarding the importance of nutrition In day today life.


Shading art makes all the difference between an amateur drawing and a piece of art, simply because shadows add depth to your subject.Workshop on Techniques of Shading with different colours was held on 27th September 2019 in the Department. This was specially conducted for the classes diploma FDCC and M.Sc 1st year by Mrs Kritika. Students learned Pencil shading techniques such as cross-hatching, blending and the broad-stroke method create gradation to make drawings believable and more realistic than those that aren't shaded.


The Department of Home Science & Fashion Designing organized a workshop on 30th September 2019 on the topic “Wrapped balloon with lighting”. Mrs. J. Guru SelvaVanitha Assistant Professor of Fashion Designing demonstrated about the techniques of wrapping balloon using woollen thread and Fevicol and connecting the light bulb. Above 30 students participated and learnt various design of wrapped balloon with light lamp.  The material required balloons, woollen threads, fevicol, 3D liner, incandescent light bulb etc. The students exhibited and sold these articles at good prices.


World Vegetarian Day is annually celebrated on October 1. It is established by the North AmericanVegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978 to promotethe joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism. It brings awareness to the ethical,environmental, health, and humanitarian benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.Mrs Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor of Department of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrated World’sNutrition Day on 1st October 2019. This day was celebrated to create awareness about the benefits ofvegetarian lifestyle and encourage others to become vegetarian. A vegetarian is one who does not eatmeat and whose diet is filled with fruits and vegetables, mostly the food items that come from plants.Students of BVoc. Nutrition and Dietetics prepare Posters,Slogans and deliver Speech to createawareness of vegetarian diet among the people.


The Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing organized a workshop. This workshop entitled “Nehru Cap making” for the B.Voc (Textile and Fashion Technology) students on 2nd October 2019.  The teachers of the Department of Fashion Designing demonstrated different quick and easy Nehru Cap making by using newspapers within 10 minutes. Students learnt those quick techniques of cap making and made Nehru cap. This was a very interesting for them.


Two days’ workshop on different varieties of biscuits was organized on 2nd October - 3rd October 2019, for the students of diploma, B.voc NAD Ist and IInd year respectively, in the Department Home Science and Fashion designing. Dr Manisha Pandit, Assistant professor, and gave demonstration on different varieties of biscuits i.e. sweet and salty jeera biscuits with different flours and help the students regarding the baking techniques in oven. She also gave demonstration regarding, whipping of fat, creaming of sugar and how to make a soft dough. She also illustrated how to flattened the dough and cut the dough in different shapes with the cutters and how to use different equipment while measuring different raw materials. Studentsactively participated in this workshop with great enthusiasm.

Presentation of different types of biscuits in tins


Smocking is the process of decoration on a garment created by gathering a section of the material into tight pleats and holding them together with parallel stitches in an ornamental pattern. Workshop on “Smocking Techniques” was organized in the Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing on 4th October 2019. In this workshop, J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant professor of Fashion Designing explained the material required and steps involved in fabric smocking. She demonstrated the technique of smocking and made many different varieties of articles like pillow covers, cushion covers, mats and many more household utility articles in different shapes. Almost 20 students in the department of Home Science and Fashion Designing participated in the workshop. By learning this technique many of the students prepared household articles. This workshop was really a skill oriented and students enthusiastically participated in it.


On 4th October, 2019, Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics organized a seminar in which students of B Voc. Nutrition and Dietetics gave Power Point Presentation on different topics like GMP i.e. Good Manufacturing Practices, GHP i.e. Good Hygienic Practices, HACCP and many more which is also a part of their curriculum. The main motive of this seminar is to enhance the knowledge and confidence among the students which is very important for their personal as well as professional growth.



The workshop on “Soap Making” was organized in the Department of Fashion Designing from 6th to 8th October 2019 where all the students participated. Mrs. J. Guru Selva Vanitha Assistant Professor of Fashion Designing gave the demonstration on ‘how to make homemade soap’. In this workshop she demonstrated the different innovative ideas to make the soap with the help of herbal colours, herbal essences, essential oil, ultra-soap base, soap moulds, vitamin E capsules, some vegetable extract, leaves extract etc. Students learned the estimation of cost for soaps making. During the workshop students were taught about marketing, costing, budgeting, pricing and promoting their product. With addition to this, Students might also use these soaps for their own use. Then they learned to make various shapes of soap like heart shape, round shape, square shape, triangle shape etc.


The department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Dev Samaj College for Women organized an Industrial visit to well esteemed milk plant “Verka”, Ludhiana for BVoc. Nutrition and Dietetics students on 12th October, 2019. The visit was organized by Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Dr. Shweta and Dr. Manisha.

Verka Plant is the leading supplier of milk and manufacturer of milk products (Lassi, Ghee, Paneer, Milk Powder, Milkcake and Kheer) in Punjab. The plant was fully automated and the manufacturing plant has the capacity of 40000 litre milk supply per day.

Mr Jagjeet Singh (Marketing Head at Verka Dairy Plant) interacted with the students about the overall manufacturing process and the technology used to manufacture their products. The students were taken to the assembly line and shown the manufacturing and packaging of milk and milk products. The technology used in this processing of milk, milk-based products and overall packing process was discussed with the students. The Quality Standards were properly followed during the manufacturing process.

At last, Mr Jagjeet Singh handled the various queries of the students in a very effective manner. The staff of the plant was very co-operative and the visit to the plant was very knowledgeable and resourceful. It was a good experience as it provided exposure to the BVoc. Nutrition and Dietetics students with industrial life.

Industrial visit at Verka Milk Plant, Ludhiana


With an objective to create sentience about the drug abuse and its harmful effects, a class seminar on Drug awareness was organized by Home Science Department & PG Department of Fashion Designing, Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur City under the able guidance of Principal Dr. (Mrs) Madhu Prashar on October 22, 2018. Senior buddy Mrs Amandeep Kaur gave a lecture on the said topic and discussed causes and consequences of drug substance, followed by presentation of the students.


Soup is a liquid dish, typically savoury and made by boiling vegetables in stock of water. Soup is excellent for winter as it keeps the body warm as well as nourish it. Workshop on different soups was organized by Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics for B.Voc and Diploma students on 7th November, 2019 and 8th November, 2019. She demonstrated the recipes and procedure of Spinach Soup, Tomato Soup, Moong Daal Soup and Mixed Vegetables Soup and also explained the health benefits of each soup in this workshop. Students actively participated in this workshop and made healthier and tastier soups.

Mrs Amandeep Kaur giving demontration on different Soups

Different Soups made by students like Spinach Soup, Tomato Soup, Moong Daal Soup and Mixed Vegetables Soup


On 28th Nov, 2019, the workshop on ‘Tie and Dye Techniques’ was organised by the Fashion Designing Department. Mrs Chanderika, the Assistant Professor in the department gave the demonstration to the B.Voc 1st Year Textile and Fashion Technology. She taught them various designs using cardboards, sticks, rice, pulses, threads, bottle and so on. It was a skill-oriented workshop and students actively participated in this workshop.


Salad is a mixture containing specified ingredients served with dressings. Salads can be served at any point during a meal. It can be classified as appetizers, salad, side salad, main course salad or deserts salad. Workshop on salad was given by Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor on 7th December, 2019 in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics. In this workshop students were taught recipes and procedures of different salads. She Also demonstrated the method of making Russian Salad, KabuliChanna Salad, Sprouted Salad, Baked Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad and many more. Students of BVoc. Nutrition and Dietetics and Diploma in Cooking and Housekeeping participated in this workshop. At last students served salad to teachers and took their valuable suggestions.

Salads made by students after the demonstration given by Mrs Amandeep Kaur

Teachers giving their valuable suggestions after tasting salads


World Nature Conservation Day was celebrated by the Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing on 1st Feb, 2020 where in Dr Khushwinder Gill and Mrs Shivangi asked the students of the Department to prepare posters and speeches on World Nature Conservation Day. Students enthusiastically participated in this activity.


World Cancer Day is marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2022 as a part of celebration with the objective to create awareness on cancer among youth. The Department of Home Science, Dev Samaj College of Women celebrated the World Cancer Day on 4th Feb, 2020. The whole program was coordinated by faculty of Home Science and Fashion Designing. World Cancer Day 2020 is being celebrated with a theme - 'I am and I will'.The teachers helped create awareness and knowledge regarding cancer among students of B. Voc NAD and Fashion Designing and to unite everyone in the fight against Cancer. Various awareness activities like slogans, posters, charts and speeches were performed by the students of B.Voc Nutrition and Dietetics and Fashion Designing regarding cancer types, causes and prevention. All Students participated in this celebration with great zeal.

Faculty members and students celebrated the World Cancer Day

Student delivered speech on awareness regarding cancer


Starter is a small quantity of food that is served as first course of a meal. On 7th February, 2020 and 8th February, 2020 Mrs. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics organized a workshop on starters. In this workshop she demonstrated the recipes and cooking method of different starters like Rice Ball, Crispy Potato Balls, Cheese Balls, Cornflakes Potato Cutlet and many more. Students of B.Voc. Nutrition and Dietetics and Diploma in Cooking and Housekeeping showed their keen interest in this workshop and made tasty and crispy starters.

Mrs Amandeep Kaur giving demonstration on different starters

Different starters made by students like Rice Ball, Crispy Potato Balls, Cheese Balls and Cornflakes Potato Cutlet


Textile printing and painting is a traditional form of fabricdesign. A State level workshop on “Textile Printing Methods” was organized by Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing on 8th Feb, 2020. The Resource person for this workshop was Mr.Ashwini Kumar, BrightwayColors, Amritsar. More than 60 studentsof B.Voc (Textile and Fashion Technology) and Community Diploma(Fashion Designing and Clothing Construction)attended thisworkshop. The main aim of this workshop was to upgrade theknowledge base in Textile printing techniques as a part of curriculum. He gave the demonstration on Batik Dyeing with Naphtholdyes, Block Printing and Screen printing with direct dyes etc. He alsoexplained the kind of material required for printing and painting andcare of printed and painted fabrics. This workshop proved beneficialfor the students and they made beautiful articles such as dupattas,kurtis, bed sheets, over sheets, pillow covers, cushion covers,hankies, T-shirts, tops etc. by using these techniques.


A very elaborate and dazzling Runway Fashion show “ASTITVA – 200” was organised by the students and faculty of Fashion Designing Department. It was choreographed by Mr. Ishu Joshi (Saroj Khan Academy Chandigarh), staged at DSCW on 23rd Feb, 2020. Here, around 50 students walked on the ramp in breathtaking lovely theme based outfits designed by the students of B.Voc and CommunityFashion Designing. Best and unique dress model received the loudest applause from the audience. Our worthy Secretary Madam Dr. (Mrs) Madhu Prashar thanked the Foreign Dignitaries, delegates and audience. The show was the great success and was the talk of the day.


Department of Home Science and Fashion Designing organised three days national level workshop on fabric painting and accessory making by Fevicryl Hobby Ideas on 23rd – 25th Feb, 2020.

The resource person for this workshop was Ms. Yukti, Instructor, Fevicryl. She taught the students about the techniques of making designs using waste materials and colours. The students learnt jewellery making and fabric dyeing with soft acrylic colours. They enjoyed this workshop and was beneficial for updating their practical knowledge.






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